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​Hi! I am Bianca!

What are your hobbies?


Dance, Dance and more Dance! I try to serve the community whenever i can too!​

​What are your achievements in NPDS?

​Currently working hard for one!

What is your favorite food?

I think my favourite food would be Durian! Absolutely Love it!

What is your favorite dance amongst the 5 Latin dances?

From those i have learnt, I would pick Samba to be my favourite because it is fun, tiring and challenging at the same time!

What is your viewpoint on the ladies?

I think both male and female are equal. I don't see why there should be any discrimination. :)

What are the 3 things you love the most in this world?

My family, Myself and Dance! My family is important to me since i come from a close knit family. I have to love myself before i can love others and Dance has always been a major part of my life since young!

What are the 3 things you hate about in this world?

I really think violence and war is unnecessary, causes alot of distress which we can live without!
I don't want to grow up. If only i can be forever young.
Everyone hates problems, no?

What is dance to you?

Dance has been a part of my life since young. I started ballet in primary school and was part of the modern dance club in secondary school. I love dance and can't imagine my life without it!

Why did you choose DanceSport as your CCA in Ngee Ann? 

Dancesport is a new genre of dance for me and I really like the glamor that comes with it!!!

Bianca Gloria Consigliere


Brenda Tan


Current - 2012

Hi! I'm Brenda!

What are your hobbies?

Traveling, scrapbooking, dancing, watching musicals​!

What are your achievements in NPDS?

5th for 3rd TDA Beginner's Cha Cha​.

What is your favorite food?

Flavoured tauhuay ^_^

What is your favorite dance amongst the 5 Latin dances?

Rumba. It seems easy but it takes a lot of effort to dance it well. And it has a lot of "feelings" to it!

What is your viewpoint on the ladies?

They are crucial to make the world complete haha!

​What are the 3 things you love the most in this world?

Family - You know you have got their back no matter what happens, and they are the people who see every (even the ugliest) side of you yet accept you for who you are <3
Friends - They are your family outside home!

God - If there is no Him, there is no me!!

What are the 3 things you hate about in this world?

Time - Time is never enough and we are always fighting against time. And it is one of the thing that is irreversible D:
Expectations - Expectations can serve as a motivation but too high an expectation, it may have reverse effects...
Human nature - Human nature is... pretty ugly.

​What is dance to you?

Dance is something which takes your mind off anything and everything and every vibe of you just wants to dance!

Why did you choose DanceSport as your CCA in Ngee Ann?

​NPDS is a home to dance..

Carol Leong


Hi! I'm Carol!

What are your hobbies?

Playing plant vs zombie I am awesome at it I can reach up to level 100+ in endless mode!

What are your achievements in NPDS?

We made it through to quarter finals. Improvement in progress... =)

What other achievements do you have?

I got double full colours in Canoeing for 2 consecutive years, hopefully it will happen for DanceSport too!

What is your favorite food?

It changes every 6 hours and when I want it, I must have it.

What is your favorite dance amongst the 5 Latin dances?

Rumba. It suits me the most; I love how beautiful, graceful, romantic and hot it is!!!

What is your viewpoint on the gentlemen?

Love them because... Men control the world.

But women control the men.

​What are the 3 things you love the most in this world?

1. Colours, I cannot imagine a world without colours!
2. Emotions, without them everything in this world becomes possible to achieve, but when done remains meaningless.
3. My family and special someone, they keep me happy , pampered and sane when the going gets tough.

What are the 3 things you hate about in this world?

1. Being kept in suspense, it kills me, makes me extremely grumpy and irritable; I want to know the results and I want it now, Haha =)

​2. My pets dying, I love animals but for some strange reason the ones I had, had never survived for long enough...

Last year, 6 guinea pigs and 2 rabbits plus 9 hamster died on me. Now I am only left with a rabbit and guinea pig ... And no it is not because I torture them or starve them! I am a great owner but my pets still die frequently. So currently I am a ban that inhibits me from getting any more new pets.

​3. Saliva - I cannot stand the smell of saliva I am extremely sensitive to it and I will wake up and wash my face immediately if I feel myself drooling at night!!!!!

​What is dance to you?

Dance is an interplay between my emotions, my heart and my body...

It is when all these three things grow into each other that I can truely dance without a care of what's happening around me It is when I lose myself.

Why did you choose DanceSport as your CCA in Ngee Ann?

I got dragged into it by my Dion Michael Chan.

But I love it now.

Allicia Lim Xin Ying

Events Manager

Hi! I'm Allicia!

What are your hobbies?

Dance, Reading, Watching television, doing sports, outdoor activities.

What are your achievements in NPDS?

Working hard!!!

What other achievements do you have?

Represented NP for NUS Invitational IVP Wushu Competition in 2011 and we won the gold medal in the group event.

What is your favorite food?

Anything! (Except ginger, pork liver (the pork liver in China tasted not bad though haha)) But I love spicy, creamy food :D

What is your favorite dance amongst the 5 Latin dances?

Rumba! It was the first dance among the other 5 I fell in love with; loved the style, expression and emotions conveyed. :)

What is your viewpoint on the gentlemen?

I used to think guys were 'tee-ko-pehs' (you know when you were in primary school and all the pictures that depicted strangers with little girls were all males?) and I was from an all-girls school all the way so interaction with the opposite gender was minimal. Now everyone are friends and fun to hang out with. :)

​What are the 3 things you love the most in this world?

I love food, every time my mind goes blank food will be the first thing that comes back. I love freedom, but not too much because it might become boring and it feels great to have time for yourself once in a while. :) And I also love to travel, there is so much more in the world out there that I wan to explore and experience

What are the 3 things you hate about in this world?

COCKROACHES!! (Like seriously)!!!!!

​What is dance to you?

Dancing allows me exercise and keep fit and it is something that I love to do. :)

Why did you choose DanceSport as your CCA in Ngee Ann?

I have always wanted to try ballroom-style dancing but never had the opportunity to. I am glad that it is offered at NP! :)

Dion Michael Chan

Events Manager

Hi! I'm Dion! 

What are your hobbies?

​Ultimate Frisbee, & basketball!

What are your achievements in NPDS?

We made it through to quarter finals. Improvement in progress!!! =)

What is your favorite food?

​Erm... Good question. I think anything weird.

What is your favorite dance amongst the 5 Latin dances?

Samba! Its lively and cheeky :)

What is your viewpoint on the gentlemen?

​Sometimes girls aren't as gentle as they look. =X

​What are the 3 things you love the most in this world?

1. All my love ones! Father, Mother, girlfriend and of course best friends! =D Because I love having company.

2. I love gadgets! I always want to try the latest technology.

3. I love... DANCING LAH! I always loved to dance... just that I was too shy when I was younger...

What are the 3 things you hate about in this world?

1. Smokers! Because their 2nd hand smoke just annoys me... A LOT.

2. I hate... Techno/Trance/Heavy metal music... They simply gives me a bad headache. ><

3. I hate nothing else lah... alamak... I'm not so much of a hater... ^^ have much hatred to the world. I shall leave this blank till I have any comments...

​What is dance to you?

Dance, to me, is a way to express your emotions in the movements and expression. It just makes me feel happy after every dance practices and classes no matter how tired I am. When I was younger, I never dared to dance because I had the stereotype thinking that dancing is for girls. I would resist trying to dance even if I was given any opportunity because other guys would be like "eee... it's so gay!" Finally during my 2nd year in NP, I stepped out of my shell and gave dancing a shot. It was totally worth it.

Why did you choose DanceSport as your CCA in Ngee Ann?

I discovered that I truly like dancing so late and had no experience or background in it. On the first trail class of NPDS, I found out that NPDS weren't like other dance CCA that requires auditions and selecting the best; NPDS accepted everyone and they do lookout for those would are weaker and help them to improve. It was this kind of dancing platform that I needed and that's why I wanted to give back to the club by being 100% committed. NPDS will forever hold a special place in my heart. NPDS ROCKS! =D

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