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Be part of our family.

Join DanceSport!

Make the ultimate decision - Choose DanceSport!


Are you a year 1 Freshman, choosing your first CCA in NP? Or are you a looking to join another new CCA? Look no further!

Your CCA is what makes you stand out from the rest. In fact, it is often the main thing that universities, scholarship programs and employers are looking out for! 

So, do you wish to get excellent CCA records to get into your dream Uni? Or do you want to join a really fun and exciting CCA? Hmm, maybe you want to learn something different from the usual? Or, do you have a burning passion to learn dancing, but you don't know where to start?

You have come to the right place! 

We have over 10,000 reasons why you should choose us! Here's a few of them:

Reason 1111: We are a FUN-FILLED, EXCITING (and sexy) Latin dance club!

Join DanceSport and upgrade your entire CCA experience to a whole new level! Get to enjoy the unbelievably engaging and thrilling dance lessons with your very own dance partner! Share wonderful moments as you communicate with your partner and getting to know each other well. In DanceSport, we never seize to have fun!

And did we mention something about sexy? Yes girls, don't be shocked to see yourself turning into sexy ladies! For guys who wants to break down your abs into 6 defined parts, here's the right place as well! Here's the place where you get motivation to strive for a hot figure, because you'll be wearing your sexy dance costumes to compete. Join us, and you'll never have to worry about that extra fat that you have!

For more details about the stuff we learn, visit 'ABOUT US' via the navigations bar above!

Reason 3186: We are THE BEST Latin Dancers in Singapore.

Let the medals do the talking - In a recent competition, the 4th TDA Championships held in 15 Jan, our DanceSport team swept a lion's share of Gold medals. We won 7 Gold Medals out of the 16 available Gold Medals in the Latin Category! It was an intense competition, and although there were competitors from 7 other tertiary institutions such as SP, SIM, SMU, SIM, NTU, NUS and RP, we emerged as the winner, winning almost half of the available gold medals. That's an incredible achievement!

Our couples have also represented Singapore to compete internationally at the Seremban Superstar Competition in Malaysia. Although there were many top competitors from Thailand, China and Malaysia, our couples managed emerge into the finals for many events!

​As a team, we went through all thick and thin together to be able to earn this. Through intensive training, courage and determination, the DanceSport team had excelled and done the school proud. If you love to be in the limelight, and to be in the elite team to bring the best out of you - think no further. DanceSport is for you!

Reason 5379: You are TIRED of the USUAL stuff.​​

Let us face it - Playing the usual sport doesn't interest you anymore. Probably since young, you didn't enjoy outdoor sports. You needed something new, something special, something extraordinaryWe have just the right thing for you.​

In DanceSport, we groom our dancers to be passionate, talented and mature athletes with a true sense of sportsmanship. You don't only learn how to move your body, but also many skills and abilities that comes attached with it:

1. The ability to lead the lady as a gentleman.

2. The ability to communicate and work in a partnership with your dance partner.

3. The ability to show confidence and shine glamorously in front of the crowd of audience.

4. The ability to possess natural confidence and poise as you walk, interact and communicate with people in your daily life.

5. The skill to dance with a partner in a business/corporate ballroom event in future.

​These skills are priceless, and they can never be learned elsewhere with the same level of excitement. We strongly believe that this is the uniqueness of our Sport, and we would like to invite you to experience it!

Reason 6359: We are NOT ONLY GOOD at Dancing.

People wonder, "Why are they so good at what they do? And how did they attain such competitive standard in dance?" Many conclude that we conduct hardcore training all day long, and all we do during CCA training is just dance, lessons, practice, dance, lessons, practice... We respectfully disagree.

In DanceSport, we believe that there is another important component to success. That is, the bond amongst all members. We focus not only on training a strong team in terms of dance, but also on creating and maintaining a strong, cohesive bond in the entire DanceSport club. From time to time, we organize bonding activities including Festive Parties, Orientation Camps for Freshies, Monthly Birthday celebrations, impromptu outings to Sentosa/Marina Barrage, and barbecue dinners for celebrating the end of a major competition!

Scroll down to have a look at some of our photos!

Reason 9725: We are BUILT for Competition & Performance.

Do you want to earn a Gold Award for CCA when you graduate? Are you afraid that you can't excel in CCA, or get a good resume for further studies and job application in future? No worries. You have come to the right place.

In DanceSport, we are trained to compete & perform. Representing NP, we participate in over 6 local  and 1 overseas competitions a year, and have at least 10 opportunities to perform on stage each year, not forgetting our very own annual Recital! As a performer & competitor, we earn CCA points, and these will be sufficient for a Gold CCA Award in NP. Plus, if you do win some Gold medals in competitions, even the prestigious Colours Award would be possible!

All these years, our committed and passionate members never had a problem obtaining a Gold Award for CCA. We see our friends signing up for courses, workshops, attending seminars and talks just to earn more CCA points... But we never had to do that!

​So, are you convinced that you should join DanceSport? Come and join us and experience DanceSport!

The door of NPDS will always be open for you!

Our CCA Training Days:

Tuesdays:  6:30pm - 7:30pm (Freshies)

                      7:30pm - 9:30pm (Advanced learners/Seniors)

Thursdays:  6:30pm - 9pm (Performance Team & Senior Competitors)

Should you have any enquiries, feel free to contact us - Visit 'CONTACT US' via the navigation bar above. 

Teacher Sharon's Birthday Party 2011

Theme: 881 Gē Tái

Organized by Ngee Ann DanceSport Club!

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